Killing a scam on GunBroker (true story)
Sometimes an advertised deal seems too good to be true. GunTab is a way to find out for sure, as this buyer's testimonial explains.

Sometimes guns posted on GunBroker (and other marketplaces) seem too good to be true. You can use GunTab to find out for sure.
A message from a buyer
GunTab just received the following email from a real GunTab user:
I may owe you folks [at GunTab] a debt of gratitude, even if only for helping to kill a deal. Or, far more to the point, quite possibly for helping to kill a scam.
I have been back and forth for a week or more with a seller on
GunBroker. He went by a pseudonym. No selling history, no FFL, no
storefront and perhaps no gun to sell, either. All that and somewhat
sketchy/questionable communications: Never a real/full name, seemingly
not able to call me but also not providing a number for me to call him
with, etc.
That being so I searched the internet for the "PayPal of Guns". While
there is precious little about you folks "out there on the web" what little I did find was all very positive. So I set up an account at GunTab and even offered the seller a bit of a premium for the extra time/effort involved in going through you. His almost-immediate reply was "Sorry, the gun just sold". Maybe... but then again maybe not, too. Just as likely that the very idea of involving GunTab drove a would-be scammer off of GunBroker and back into hiding.
All that is to say I sincerely wish I could pay your "fee" for the
positive, helpful, conclusive and otherwise informative results I
obtained just by "inviting you to the party".
So maybe next time then, eh? I mean, as in when a legit seller wishes
to do a legit deal that is.
In the meantime, kind regards and keep up the great work!
Our response
Thanks for your message, Alan. This is exactly what GunTab is designed to do – protect the good guys from con artists and fraudsters. We're happy to have helped you beat this GunBroker scam.
To everyone who wants the same protection, it's easy. Just open a free account now.