Registrations and memberships

GunTab is a brand of Lockeson Escrow Inc., a Delaware corporation. It is bonded and warrantied for your protection. Also a member of multiple industry associations.


GunTab is a Delaware trade name owned by Lockeson Escrow Inc.
Registered in December 2013.
File number 573731.
Verify using Delaware Courts Trade Name Search.

Lockeson Escrow Inc. is a Delaware corporation.
Incorporated in December 2013.
File number 5443793.
Verify using Delaware Division of Corporations Entity Search.

Please note that Delaware does not offer escrow agent licensing.

Bonds and warranties

Bonded by Western Surety Company for statutory $5,000 per officer
that GunTab will act in accordance with the law.

Warrantied by DigiCert for $1,250,000
that GunTab encrypted connections are safe.


National Rifle Association (NRA) Business Alliance member since November, 2014.
Current membership expires August 2023.
Verify using NRA Business Alliance Directory (search for state "Texas" and business type "Financial Services").

Second Amendment Foundation Lifetime member since September, 2019.
Verify by contacting Second Amendment Foundation.